Looking for New Boardmembers

Five former Putnam County Land Trust boardmembers  were recently awarded Emeritus status as they “retired” from the PCLT Board. These were talented and giving volunteers whose service as trustees contributed to the organization’s success over the past several years, and they will be missed.  While some had been off the board for a number of years, a few are recent retirees.
But now the Board is seeking candidates to fill these newly vacated positions.  Who will replace them? Why not you?  Being a Board member is very rewarding and allows you to serve your community.
The Land Trust has spent the last 45 years seeking to protect more than 1,000 acres of valuable open land for the benefit of current and future citizens of Putnam County.  These wonderful natural sites provide great benefits to our County by promoting cleaner air and water, and in many cases, space for walking trails and other passive recreation.Persons who might be interested in serving on the PCLT Board should have a passion for doing “good works” and be willing to help the Land Trust protect additional properties in the coming years.

Board members are expected to attend a majority of the eight board meetings – scheduled throughout the year. Each Board member serves on at least one of the six board committees:  Acquisitions, Fiscal Oversight, Executive Governance, Stewardship, Fund Development and Public Relations. Committee work usually requires one to two hours per month of volunteer time.We’d be interested in hearing from you about the possibility of serving on our Board. Please contact Bruce Bothwell, Governance Committee Member at brucekb@gmail.com, or call 845/225-1031, and leave a message for a “call back”.  And to learn more about PCLT please explore the rest of our website!