Eagles Soar on PCLT Preserves…

Scouts work on PCLT Preserves over the years.

Sorry, this isn’t a newsflash of a bald eagle sighting on PCLT land.  This is about Eagles of another feather.  Over the past number of years most of Putnam County Land Trust’s preserves have been improved by the efforts of Boy Scouts earning their Eagle Scout Rank.  Under the guidance of Robert Lund, PCLT Trustee and youth coordinator, they attained Eagle rank by planning, leading and completing a major public service project on one of our preserves.  For most of these projects Scouts raised the money required for materials and each project took 200-300 man-hours to complete.  This is a description of what these fine young men accomplished:


Michael Lund:  Twin Hill Preserve    Winter, 1997    Troop 117, Putnam Lake 

Raised $150.00 for materials, a new preserve, constructed over 3500 feet of new trails, cleaned up debris, constructed log benches in meeting area, posted boundaries, marked trails and constructed preserve sign and sign-in box, created map of preserve.


Troy Townsend:  Sterling Farm Preserve   Summer, 1998    Troop 1, Carmel

Raised $250.00 for materials, widened and cleared the entire trail, constructed a rope handrail for steep trail and on bridge, constructed erosion barriers and benches, posted boundary signs, marked trail and installed preserve sign and sign-in box.


Michael Cadigan:  Doansburg Preserve   Spring, 1999 Troop 117, Putnam Lake

Raised $200.00 for materials, a new preserve, constructed 600 feet of  trail with small footbridge, constructed an elevated bird viewing  platform, constructed two gravel parking areas, posted boundary signs, marked trail and installed preserve sign and  sign-in box, helped create map.


Eric MacGregor:  Peach Lake Natural Area     Spring, 2001   Troop 1, Brewster

Redesigned and improved 1.1 miles of trails in the Cobb Road area of preserve, constructed raised wood boardwalks and footbridges, marked trails, installed new sign in box and signage, helped create map.


Evan Sterling:  Top Hill Preserve    Summer, 2001 Troop 371,   Mahopac

Completely redesigned the entire preserve with 1.3 miles of trails constructed, erosion barriers constructed, removed dumped debris, beautified entrance and signage, Marked trails and posted 4440 feet of border,  made entire preserve cross country skiing friendly, installed preserve sign and sign-in box, helped create map.


Joseph Becker:  Ross Preserve     Summer, 2002    Troop 117,   Putnam Lake

Raised  $300.00 for materials, constructed 120 ft. of raised boardwalk near entrance allowing year-around access, .56 mi. of new trails, posted border and Improved signage, helped create map.


Joel Schwartz:  Peach Lake Natural Area     Winter, 2003  Troop 1,  North Salem

Opened southern area of the Fitchen preserve by constructing 3260 ft of new  trails, constructed 160 ft of raised boardwalk, a 10 ft and 14 ft bridge, 160 ft of stepping stone or corduroyed trail, removed dumped debris,  marked trails, posted 7500 ft of preserve border, helped create map.

Vincent Lacour:  Peach Lake Natural Area   Fall, 2005   Troop 117, Putnam Lake 

Continuing trail from Joel Schwartz’s Eagle Project to complete a loop trail in this preserve.  constructing 3310 ft of new trails, constructed 125 ft of raised boardwalk, a 10 ft and 16 ft bridge, 100 ft of stepping stone or corduroyed trail, removed dumped debris, marked trails, helped create map.

Stephen Maddock:  Laurel Ledges Natural Area  Spring, 2008 Troop 1, Mahopac

Raised $2119.35.  Opened a new preserve with a trail that went into Turtle Pond using a section of floating walkway on the pond. Constructed another 120 ft of raised boardwalk, 8oo ft of rock paving and 400 ft of side hilling for a total trail of 1553 feet.  Worked 440.5 man hrs to complete.