The Saturday Morning Programs in October will take place on October 6th and October 27th.
The October 6th Native Plant ID program will meet at 9 am and be about 3 hours long. This particular program will be limited in size. Reservations are a must. To make a reservation please e mail or call 845 278 2808
The Habitat Restoration program is scheduled for Saturday, October 27th. With enough help this day, we will be able to complete the removal of invasive plants and restore the open wet meadow on the Doansburg Preserve which is vital to certain wildlife. Wet meadows are disappearing impacting the animals and insects that depend on them for survival. This wet meadow is being overtaken by invasive species particularly Russian Olive, Multi-flora Rose and non native Buckthorn. By removing these, the meadow will return to being able to provide habitat for migratory and nesting birds, turtles and ducks among others. We will start at 8:30. Come for an hour or stay for 2 or 3.
Where: Doansburg Preserve, Mill Farm Road, Brewster, NY
For more information please e mail or call 845 228 4520